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Exterior Windows | 3 Shrewd Tips To Extend The Lifespan of Your Exterior Blinds

Exterior windows are subject to wind, rain, sun and other extreme weather conditions, which is why they need protection. Blinds and awnings are excellent solutions for protecting your external windows. They also provide protection for your interiors by blocking out sunlight to prevent premature fading and discolouring. But like any other outdoor table or chair, outdoor blinds are also at risk of being damaged from hostile weather –– whether it is the blistering heat of the sun, periods of heavy rain showers or strong winds. Proper attention will prolong their lifespan by ensuring that your exterior blinds do not get damaged.

Secure Them Well For All Weather Conditions 

Being exposed to heavy winds, rain and sunlight throughout can wear down your external blinds, so you must see to it that they are properly secured against the holding columns and grooves –– this ensures that they won't come undone when trying to withstand the weather. The head rail of the blinds should always be attached to permanent structures like a beam or wall. Do not attach the head rail to another movable object like a detachable wooden plank, since that can give way and destroy your blinds. Make sure you secure the head rail tightly by using sturdy screws that can withstand external weather conditions.

Protect Your Blinds During High Windy Conditions

Wind is one of the biggest contributors to damaged outdoor blinds, so you'll want to be especially cautious during periods of heavy wind. While your external blinds need to protect your windows to a certain degree from the wind, you may want to roll them up or close them when it gets extremely windy. Rolling your blinds will keep them out of harm's way to protect them from tears or damage –– especially when debris comes flying through the stormy air in the direction of your blinds. When rolling up your blinds, you'll want to ensure that they are dry. Rolled up blinds will not allow accumulated water to evaporate. This can deteriorate the material of your blinds by allowing mould and mildew to form. 

Vacuum and Wipe Them Regularly

Like any other surface in your home that needs cleaning, blinds require a certain degree of maintenance to protect them from premature wear and tear. Since they are outside, they are subject to all kinds of dust, insects and debris. Accumulated dust over wet blinds may cause mould and mildew to grow, which could harm the material. You'll want to vacuum them every once in a while and wipe them down with warm soap water to retain their pristine appearance, while eliminating any mould and mildew.

These shrewd tips will help you extend the lifespan of your exterior blinds, so follow them prudently.
